
your one-stop Korean language resources
& friendly AI practice tools

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Writing Practice Demo

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Tools & Resources

say what's on your mind!

✍️ Writing

AI that helps you write and express yourself more naturally

get what I'm saying?

💡 Comprehension

AI assisted native Korean sentence comprehension

as simple as 1, 2, 3!

🔢 Numbers

Master the Korean number systems

toward certified


Practice digitized versions of past TOPIK exams

at a glance

🚨 Cheatsheets

Concise reference guides for grammar, vocabulary and more

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🏛️ Resources

Curated list of Korean language learning resources

🔎 Explore all the tools. Want a specific tool to be made? Suggest one!

🚀 Many more tools to come!

created by learners, for learners

Driven by Community

yeonseub is a collaborative effort, you can help it grow!

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  • 🏛️ Request to add or update a resource table
  • 🚨 Request to add or update a cheatsheet
  • 🙋‍♀️ Suggest or ask anything!
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Frequently Asked Questions

yeonseub is a suite of practice tools and resources designed to help Korean learners practice their Korean language skills. Some of the tools use advanced AI to facilitate learning and feedback on your Korean. Explore the different tools for yourself!

This app is primarily for intermediate Korean language learners. It offers practice tools and concise summaries to allow a self-sufficient learner to advance on their own. It does not teach the Korean language in a step-by-step manner. While beginners can also benefit from this app, they will at least be required to be able to read Hangeul and not rely on romanization.

I try to offer as many tools as I can for free. All users will receive a free trial to test things out. Tools that require heavy investment like specialized AI will require a subscription for unlimited use. To continue accessing the paid features after the trial, you can subscribe for unlimited access for $10/month. Your contribution allows further development and refinement of the AI tools 🥰.

You and I! This app is driven by learners like you and me. If you have any needs or ideas for tools that can advance your learning, be sure to drop a feature request!

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